<aside> 🙋 Below are some of the studies and literature reviews that have informed the Nervous System Mastery curriculum. A complementary skill to this course that I would recommend exploring is how to study studies. This essay series by Dr. Peter Attia is a great starting point..


👀 Interoception Studies

Out-of-the-blue panic attacks aren't without warning: Body sends signals for hour before’

by Southern Methodist University, 2011

Significant autonomic irregularities preceded the onset of attacks that were reported as abrupt and unexpected. The findings invite reconsideration of the current diagnostic distinction between uncued and cued panic attacks.”



Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT)’

by Cynthia J. Price and Carole Hooven, in Frontiers in Psychology, 2018

“The mindful awareness in body-oriented therapy (MABT) approach offers a framework for understanding how interoceptive awareness facilitates emotion regulation. MABT develops the distinct interoceptive awareness capacities of identifying, accessing, and appraising internal bodily signals and provides an individualized protocol for scaffolding interoceptive awareness.”



Interoception and Social Connection’

by Andrew J. Arnold et al., in Frontiers in Psychology, 2019